► Who
owns / maintains the Korg Forums website ◄
The site is owned by James Tubbritt of Irish Acts Recording
Studio, known as forum user " Sharp". KORG USA kindly
provide the HOST and phpBB support.
► Who
funds the Korg Forums website ◄
The site is funded by the owner.
► Advertising
Products ◄
KORG Forums is an advertisement free website in the sense that
you are not allowed to promote your own products without meeting
certain expectations and never without permission.
In order for you to receive permission you must first take part
in the forum as a regular member and prove yourself to be
someone interested in helping your fellow musicians and not
someone here just looking to make a profit.
If you are given permission to promote your products on the
forum then you are expected to adhere to the following
You can make a maximum of 1 post a month detailing a new product
or new offer you may have. You are not allowed to use your 1
post a month just to draw attention to your products. Only
genuine new news can be announced. In order to get every day
exposure for your products, place a small banner in your
signature profile. This graphic can be no larger than 600 X
30. The more you help out by replying to threads, the more
people will see your banner. This is also a good way to earn
respect on the forum from our members. Respect is priceless and
it will go a long way to help you sell your products.
► Other
promotions ◄
The promotion of websites which have intentions to compete with
KORG Forums is not allowed. You shall not be allowed to use our
bandwidth against us.
More than one account on the forum
You are not allowed to operate more than one account on
the forum. Doing so will result in you being exposed and
ultimately banned from the forum.
► Banned
topics of conversation on the forums ◄
1: No Religion.
2: No Politics.
3: No adult content. We have a large number of children on our