Why is the forum not https??

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Why is the forum not https??

Post by downtownpaulyp »

In an era where web pages pretty much everywhere have migrated to secure http protocol, is there a reason why this site is not yet using https?

My browser and password manager software always complain the site is not secure, and I think the cost of a certificate is minimal to nil with certificate providers like Let's Encrypt https://letsencrypt.org/.
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Post by Sharp »

This website has no income whatsoever. Never has.
For the vast majority of it’s 20 year lifespan, I’ve paid for everything out of my own pocket, servers and domain name. These days, the server is offered for free by KORG USA, and I still pay domain. But... for the future of the community, we need to move very soon as the free server is very old and has issues that will soon be seriously detrimental to the existence of the forum.

So simply put, nice things cost money.

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Post by voip »

Looking at the number of korgforums members, it's clear that many people have reaped the benefits of the forum. How about setting up a payments page and asking for contributions to set up new server(s) followed by further requests when necessary, for maintenance and suchlike? It seems to work for Wikpiedia and other websites.

horby allthumbs
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Re: Why is the forum not https??

Post by horby allthumbs »

roughly how much does the forum cost to run ? How much to change to https? If it's hosted by Korg USA aren't their servers up to date ?
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Re: Why is the forum not https??

Post by Gunnar J »

As far as I can see, the forum is now https. 👍

https.jpg (9.44 KiB) Viewed 122 times
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Re: Why is the forum not https??

Post by voip »

There is now both a http and a https route in.

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