Possible Env Trigger Bug - Volunteers to confirm, pls

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Possible Env Trigger Bug - Volunteers to confirm, pls

Post by HardSync »

Asking for a sanity check on this, please. I've probably already lost my mind, but you know it doesn't hurt to pretend otherwise and ask....

Came across some odd envelope behavior in OS 2.1.8 when using envelope triggers. Short version of the issue is when using one envelope to trigger a second envelope, the second envelope will carry on all the way through the release stage even when the key is held down. It should hold at the sustain stage. If anyone can reproduce this, I'd be grateful. If this is a known bug that's already been reported, please let me know. I did search on Google but didn't find anything anywhere.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Start with the default INIT performance.

2. Go to the OSC Pitch Page (Pitch button, then one screen over to the left with Shift + <) and select the Osc 2 Tune field. Create a new modulation here with Osc 2 Env as the source and set the intensity value to +12.00.

3. Press a key and hold, and the pitch will go up one octave, and then back down to the original starting pitch. This is good, expected behavior.

4. Now, press the Osc 2 Env button. Adjust the envelope's Sustain level to -100. Press and hold a key and the pitch will go up one octave, then down two octaves and hold there. This is good, expected behavior.

5. Next, go to the Osc 2 Env Trigger page (Shift + >) and and choose Osc 1 Env as the Trigger Src, Threshold at +50, and important, set Trigger at Note-On to OFF.

6. Now hold a key down. Once the Osc1 Env reaches the 50% mark, the pitch on osc 2 will go up 12 semitones, and then down like it did in step 4, but this time the pitch rises again as it the envelope continues on through the release stage. This is not expected behavior.

7. To confirm it's the release stage, adjust the Release time of Osc 2 Env to 0 and press a key and you will hear the pitch bounce up an octave once the envelope reaches the release stage while you're still holding down the key.

I've repeated this behavior with different envelopes as trigger sources, as well as LFOs, modulating different things, various settings, etc., and this bug appears when using triggers on the Filter envelope too. And I have rebooted the synth and this still happens. Not sure if one can reinstall an OS update to the same version, and I have not yet attempted that. But if that is possible, then I will try that and report back if the issue persists.

Anyway, grateful if one or more of you can confirm this is happening on their Modwave ver 2.1.8 and then I'll take it from there. Thanks!
zaphod betamax
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Post by zaphod betamax »

The second you trigger an envelope, per the manual,
the behaviour changes.,
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Post by HardSync »

Damn. Well I feel silly. I read the manual looking for this and I still missed that part somehow, and it's not like it's hidden away in some obscure section. It's right there. Hmm, oh well.
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