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Korg Krome 61 - Blank screen and no leds except for pitchmod

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 1:54 am
by ricardoavillacorta
Looking to see if anyone has encountered this issue and if anyone knows of any possible fix. At the moment screen doesn’t light up and no other leds turn on except for the pitch mod leds turn on and are steady no blinking at all. I can let it sit for 10 mins and there is no change. Was looking at the Willy fix but I’m not sure if I have a dead mother board. Any information is much appreciated.

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:46 am
by voip
Disconnect everything from the keybpard, apart from the power connector, and try again.

If still no joy, check that it isn't the power connector that's causing issues. Cleaning the power plug contact, using switch cleaner, might help.

If that doesn't improve matters, try initialising the Krome by holding down the Exit and Page buttons whilst powering up the keyboard.
