Meaning of "EXP" in some Programs and Combis?

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Meaning of "EXP" in some Programs and Combis?

Post by bpoodoo »

Does anyone know what "EXP" in the name of some Programs and Combis means?

There are about 30 such Programs and Combis in the Triton Extreme - almost all in the Orchestral category.

I thought maybe they had been specially programmed to make use of an Expression Pedal, but after looking into the details of a few of these Programs and Combis, I don't think that's the case.

I think it just means "expressive" - incorporating vibrato, tremolo, and programmed for use with modulation sources like joystick, aftertouch, ribbon, etc. - and/or in general a sound that is more emotive.
Triton Extreme 88 w/MOSS
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exp = expressive

Post by Tommyboy »

Yeah, I think you're correct in assuming it means 'expressive'.
I did some research thinking maybe it meant 'expanded' as in from the orchestral expansion board from the Triton or something, but even on the expansion board itself some sounds have EXP in the name. So I think it is just 'expressive', probably taking advantage of aftertouch and velocity, ribbon cable, modulation, etc..
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Post by bpoodoo »

Agreed. "Expressive" it is.

There are few preset combis (not named with EXP) that have Expr (CC#11) assigned to Knob #2. All it does is change the volume of the entire combi, which is the default function of the expression pedal when assigned in Global to control Expr CC#11. But I didn't find any preset programs or combis that are specifically programmed to use an expression pedal.

I did buy a new toy - the inexpensive Nektar NX-P expression pedal. It works fine on the Triton Extreme.

I was able to simply modify a combi of layered Piano+Strings to make use of the expression pedal to control the volume of just the strings (MENU>MIDI Filter>MIDI 4>uncheck Enable Foot Pedal/Switch for piano timbre). A new-to-me performance feature well worth $20!
Triton Extreme 88 w/MOSS
"I did my best, and I guess my best was good enough." - Kronos
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Post by Tommyboy »

sweet :D
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