Any sign of a dedicated midi conductor app yet...?

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Any sign of a dedicated midi conductor app yet...?

Post by ausser »

Ok, I've trawled through utube and the ios store and maybe its just me but I cannot find anything resembling a good dedicated pro midi conductor app. Only apps/controllers like Ghostnote etc. which are good in themselves, but don't touch live tempo manipulation. And I'm looking for something that doesn't do just simple tap input, but something with scalable touch sliders - i mean like a number of options - with visual feedback that can give you control over external or internal sequencers tempo.
For instance, anyone who has tried playing sequenced arrangements with a choral group knows just how fast things can go south with tap tempo input on very basic taptempo systems.
A dedicated conductor app should have several methods of scalable input - tap tempo - sliders - two bar sliders with different value gradation settings that can give you fine and coarse tempo changes instantly - and also have algorithmic learning options that can create good averaging in tempo maintenance. It seems crazy to me with all the horse power of the ipad pro - nothing like that seems to be available. But if you do know of something, please post a link.
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Post by ausser »

I did try this a few years ago, and its quite good for what it does - but no ios version is listed, and its triggered by 'tapping' selected keys on querty or a motherboard - results can be hit and miss, no overall algorithmic maintenance of tempo so your chasing down phrases all the time. I haven't tried the 2024 updated version - but I don't think its what I'm looking for..
Will we march only to the music of time...?
Or will we march to the soul-saving music of eternity?
MLK Junior - Strength to Love 1963.
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