There are a lot of books available about harmony, chord progressions and song structure of popular songs, full with examples of more or less famous songs, but in the end you remain unable to develop your own melodies and songs.
This one is different:
Melody in Songwriting
It is the only book I constantly go back to in order to learn/review new techniques. Highly recommended!
Note: The author assumes you're familiar with musical notation and the harmony illustrations are keyboard-oriented, so if you're a guitarist you'll have to adapt the chord symbols to your own voicings. The book does not cover lyric writing, but only includes a few hints on aligning melody and text.
Korg M3-88 w/ EXB-Radias, Yamaha Motif Rack w/ PLG150-AN & PLG150-DR, Novation A-Station, RME Multiface II Audio Interface, Thinkpad T60 Notebook w/ Sonar X3 and various VSTi, Event TR8 monitors, Beyerdynamic DT-770 headphones