Styles, sounds. Interested in contact and cooperation!

Sampling is an art. This section is used for discussion the many levels of sampling, and is also used to offer reviews, recommendations, and technical help on libraries and formats.

Moderators: Sharp, X-Trade, Pepperpotty, karmathanever

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Posts: 28
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2022 2:00 pm
Location: Norway

Styles, sounds. Interested in contact and cooperation!

Post by PaulgroK »

Hello. I'm a songwriter and artist/singer! My specialty is creating melodies and harmonic progressions quickly. I have bought a PA700OR as a tool to access these almost finished songs, which will make good demos. However, I have realized that programming and style creation are not something I master! I am therefore seeking cooperation with others who are really good at this very thing. I have no idea how such a collaboration will work yet, but get in touch and we'll find out. :-)
"Together" works best!
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