SYSEX to change to specific PROG EDIT screens -- possible?

Discussion relating to the Korg Triton Classic.

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SYSEX to change to specific PROG EDIT screens -- possible?

Post by aanon »

I'd like to use my MIDI controller (Novation SL Zero) to make the editing of programs on my Triton faster.

I would really like to be able to use SYSEX to choose specific PROG EDIT screens on the Triton. So, for example I can press one button on my controller and the Triton goes to the PROG EDIT page for LFO1, or IFX, or AMP EG, etc.

Does anyone here know whether that is something that is possible with SYSEX?

Current state of research:

I have found SYSEX commands to change between the major modes of the Triton (COMBI, PROG, SEQ, SAMPLING and so on). These work fine.

I have looked at the SYSEX output by the Triton. It appears to send SYSEX out when changing between major modes but not when switching between different sections and tabs within the PROG EDIT mode.

Any input people can offer would be much appreciated.

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Post by voip »

Sound Quest's MIDI Quest software might fit in with your workflow. It's not cheap, but caters for an extensive repertoire of instruments. The demos are almost too restricted to use for making a purchasing decision: ... ments.html

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Post by aanon »

Hi voip,

Thanks for your suggestion. I have used Midi Quest. It works fine but overall I don't like mousing around on a computer screen while making music.

That's why I'm currently working on using a hardware controller to help with program editing in a more hands-on way.

Being able to switch between Triton editing screens quickly by sysex is not crucial for this, but it would be helpful to move around more fluently and to access more parameters than I can fit on my controller's buttons and knobs.

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